Maps & Directions

The Clyde River Retreat is 3.5 hours drive south of Sydney, or 2.5 hours drive east from Canberra.

The recommended route to the retreat from the north is via Milton. Go through the main part of Milton, then turn right off the highway at Croobyar Road (at the traffic lights), then follow it as it becomes Woodstock Road, and then Woodburn Road – in total for about 15km from Milton.
Turn right off Woodburn Road on to Clyde Ridge Road at “Clyde Ridge Park”, where the tarmac ends. Clyde Ridge Road is signposted to Pigeon House and Yadboro. You follow the unsealed Clyde Ridge Road for another 14 km. About halfway along (7km) you will come to a big Y junction signposted again to Yadboro and Pigeon House to the right. You take the left fork. After another 7km Carisbrook Road will be on your left. It is not signposted, but if you miss the turning you will reach the concrete ford crossing the Clyde River (known locally as the “upside down” bridge). Don’t cross it – Carisbrook Road is immediately BEFORE the ford. About 500m up Carisbrook Road you will see our sign.
If you are coming from the south (or west), the recommended route is to follow the Princes Hwy north from Bateman’s Bay. Turn off the highway at Wheelbarrow Road, which is on your left about 5km after you pass through Lake Tabourie, or 1km south of Burrill Lake. Follow Wheelbarrow Road for 6km until you get to the end at Woodburn Road. Turn left onto Woodburn Road and follow it for 3km until you get to Clyde Ridge Road. Turn right onto Clyde Ridge Road, then as above.
If you have a SatNav/GPS system, it may find our address (56 Carisbrook Fire Rd, Morton, NSW 2538). If not, many systems allow you to enter our geographic location in one of the following formats:

Decimal Degrees: -35.424698,  150.237292

Lat/Long: 35°25’28.9″S  150°14’17.3″E

However, your SatNav/GPS (and also internet mapping apps) may offer you alternate routes. These are NOT recommended – they may be impassable even with a 4WD.

Here is a map showing the recommended route to the retreat (click to see a larger version):56 Carisbrook Map 7

Or zoom in and out on the Google map applet below to see exactly where we are, or click on “View larger map” to view in Google Maps and get detailed directions from elsewhere: